时间: 2023-09-20 浏览次数:38
14号九月,“2023中国故事共创会 外籍大V看贵州”活动的团队咱们外籍的大V亲眼看到了贵州的兴义万峰林景区,真是天然的漂亮。 9月18号,中国日报网(我记者名字叫刁云娇)说这几天,“2023中国故事共创会 外籍大V看贵州”活动团队去了贵州省,过得好舒服,气候好,风景好多了,有好多文化,还有好

14号九月,“2023中国故事共创会 外籍大V看贵州”活动的团队咱们外籍的大V亲眼看到了贵州的兴义万峰林景区,真是天然的漂亮。

9月18号,中国日报网(我记者名字叫刁云娇)说这几天,“2023中国故事共创会 外籍大V看贵州”活动团队去了贵州省,过得好舒服,气候好,风景好多了,有好多文化,还有好的生态环境。17号的时候我们举行了分享会,大V们说这里的山水真是太美了,那文化也留下了深刻的印象,希望有更多的人来这个地方,让全世界都看到中国真正美丽的样子。

英国专家Martyn Joseph Newlands首先分享了他在贵州的经历和感受。他说:“这几天我们在这个漂亮的地方度过了一段难忘的时间。贵州有着惊人的风景和丰富的文化遗产。访问贵州是个非常愉快的经历,我已经迫不及待地想再次来到这里并见证更多的奇迹。” 内容创作者Rafael Antonio Saavedra Molina来自委内瑞拉,他表示这次旅行带给了他巨大的惊喜,他感到每一个地方都令人兴奋。*美好的部分是与大自然亲密接触,感受到风、水、草和舒适的温度。“在过去几天里,我在我的社交媒体上分享了一些短视频和图片,很多人都问我这是在哪儿,我告诉他们这是中国贵州,但这只是个缩影,这里的魅力远不止如此。我计划发布更多的视频,分享这次旅行的感受,同时也想用这些视频来吸引更多人来到这个神奇的地方。”

土耳其的Neslihan Kilavuz说,中国哪里都好看。我在中国待了5年,从来没觉得自己是个真正的“洋人”。因为人们总是超级友善。在贵州的时候每一刻都好爽,我迫不及待要在YouTube上给我的粉丝展示贵州。可开心啦,我们这些创作者能帮助世界看到真实而美丽的中国。

Douglas Dueno, a US expert from China Daily website, was impressed by the diverse culture of Guizhou. The Southwest of Guizhou is home to many ethnic minority groups, each with their own unique traditions, languages, and customs. During this trip, we had the opportunity to interview the locals and immerse ourselves in their daily lives, gaining a deeper understanding of their way of life, attitudes, and lifestyles. "I firmly believe that by sharing our experiences and inviting our international friends to explore Guizhou, we can not only enrich their lives but also strengthen the bonds of friendship and understanding among us as global citizens." On September 14th to 17th, the "2023 China Story Co-creation: Foreign Influencers Explore Guizhou" media group visited Anshun City and the Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province. Through their works and communication methods that are more contemporary, more heartfelt, and more international, they showcased the unique charm of mountain sports and mountain tourism in colorful Guizhou, telling the story of modernization in Guizhou with a Chinese touch, which enhanced the world's recognition and understanding of colorful Guizhou.
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